Dr Sarah Gladden

Dr Sarah Gladden is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Lead Psychologist for the Serious Offender Liaison Services in NHS Lothian. SOLS provides specialist consultation, assessment and management advice around managing complex and/or high risk offenders in the community to MAPPA and partner agencies.

Dr Gladden is Chair of the Scottish Group of Forensic Clinical Psychologists in Scotland, a position which holds a seat on the Forensic Network Board, (a managed care network for forensic mental health services in Scotland). She is also the Scottish representative of the Faculty of Forensic Clinical Psychology Executive Committee within the British Psychological Society. She has taught on various Forensic Masters and Clinical Psychology Doctorate programmes, including Surrey and Glasgow.

Dr Gladden has previously led psychology services in medium and low security in Scotland. She has also worked in a range of forensic services across England including high, medium and low security, Women’s services, Dangerous and Severe Personality Disorder Services and specialist neuropsychology services.


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